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False Flag
In approximately 500 B.C., Sun Tzu wrote his book “The Art of War”. It contained important elements of psychological warfare. Even today these elements are still considered valid. One major element is propaganda. However, it is not only authoritarian and dictatorial states which use propaganda. Even the U.S.A., which is deemed a role model for democracy and freedom of speech, uses these means extensively. Annually, over a hundred million dollars are spent on propaganda in the U.S.A. alone.
Particularly effective means of propaganda are the so-called ‘false flag operations’ – covert operations carried out by a state’s own military and later publicly blamed on the enemy, the intention being to discredit the enemy and legitimise corresponding pre-defined consequences. Two notorious examples are the SS-staged attack against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz and the so-called ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ incident. Both incidents provided reasons for the justification of the invasion of foreign countries – in the first instance Poland; in the second, Vietnam.
Even today, there are circumstances in which wars are being based on false assertions and orchestrated campaigns. The U.S.A. is presently engaged in two such wars in the Middle East. Neither the allegation that Saddam Hussein had ties to the terrorists of al-Qaida, nor the pronouncement that he possessed weapons of mass destruction could be proven. However, these statements were the basis for an invasion of Iraq. Additionally, the attack on Afghanistan is based on questionable allegations. It was argued that the Taliban regime was giving shelter to the terrorists responsible for the attacks on September 11th. The fact that the F.B.I. cannot even prove that Bin Laden was involved in the attacks is being concealed.
The American media is strongly infiltrated by the government’s propaganda apparatus. PR material that follows the government line greatly outweighs the media coverage critical of the government’s policies. Nevertheless, civil movements enforcing, against a reluctant government, an investigation into the events of 9/11 have persevered, culminating in the 9/11 Commission Report, which was published regardless of proven inconsistencies and omissions. One of the reasons for the absence of a public outcry perhaps being, as Allen Dulles, a member of the commission that handled the investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, put it, “Nobody reads. Don’t believe people read in this country.”
The intention of functioning propaganda is to influence the opinion of the so-called ‘bewildered herd’, the confused electorate in favour of government policy. The following illustrates this scheme: Elaborate and extensively far-reaching issues are hard for the masses to comprehend. Therefore, an elite leadership that takes care of these affairs is elected. The government is, to a large extent, trusted. After all, it is supposedly protecting the population against the terrorist enemy – that fabricated invisible Islamic combatant – which put the people in deep fear after 9/11. Only those who critically question the occurrences and comprehensively inform themselves recognise that the U.S. government not only pursues a ‘world saving strategy’, but also a geopolitical one.
According to corresponding documents from American politicians and their think tanks, it is the declared goal of the U.S.A. to secure its position as a global power. It is well-known that oil is the most important factor in our capitalistic economies. The country securing access to this essential and scarce resource simultaneously secures its position in the world. The important control of the Eurasian region and its numerous oil resources could, with the incumbent administration, now be targeted. Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Perle – it is no coincidence that these names embellish the papers depicting these geopolitical interests.
These operations were only legitimised through the attacks of September 11th. Consideration of these circumstances raises the question: Could it be possible that the attacks of 9/11 were carried out under a false flag?
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